John Higgins began his career in the automotive industry in 2002 as a salesman with a Ford dealership in Cleveland, TN. He soon became an enthusiastic student of the industry, studying materials by Grant Cardone, Jackie B. Cooper, John Maxwell, Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill, Jeffrey Gitomer, Norman Vincent Peale, Stephen R. Covey, Spencer Johnson, and many others.
Within a short time, John consistently lead the board as Salesman of the Year and was promoted to Sales Manager, then Finance Manager.
By the time he had an opportunity to travel the country as Senior National Performance Coach, John had fifteen years of experience in variable operations. This allowed him to share proven, successful processes and techniques with BDC teams, Sales teams, Sales Managers, and Dealer Principals across the United States.
These days, John finds joy in helping others realize their dreams and goals. He says, “If not for the mentors and trainers throughout my career that have offered advice, support, enthusiasm, and training, I would not have achieved the great success I have experienced. I owe them a great debt that I can never repay. I can, however, strive to pass along the same support and enthusiasm to help others experience their own success. And, I believe my mentors would consider that a fair trade value.”
Ray West has 19 years of experience as a consultant. He has worked in the automotive industry as a salesman, internet manager, BDC manager, sales manager, marketing manager, and for a short time as a service advisor. Ray has visited dealerships across the country providing proven practical answers to the growth hurdles they were experiencing.
Ray often says, “Most dealerships know what they should do to be more successful. The difficulty lies in developing a process that transitions the “should do’s” into habitual activities.” Whether consulting with dealerships in Chico CA, Brockton MA, or anywhere in between, Ray found that dealerships struggle with similar issues.
Ray has consulted with businesses of all types, but most enjoys working in the car business. According to Ray, “The car business is the purest sales environment you will find.”
Ray grew up in South Florida and currently lives in Sewanee, Tennessee with his wife Kate and three of their six kids. Ray graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Psychology after playing football for the University of Florida.